Our Journey

Lets buy a boat he said
Our journey from Phillip Island Australia to Toronto Canada and beyond

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Getting Away

Our Back Yard Looking over Bass Straight

Our two boys Mitch (26) & Callum (24) both living out of home, are very independent and weren't making the 2 hour road trip back to Phillip Island very often, so we figured that we might actually see more  of them whilst away living on a yacht in some exotic place. We could facetime, messenger and hopefully on their annual holidays they could fly over and spend time with us - where they would be held captive on the boat and forced to spend quality time with us. Not really, but what a great opportunity for us all!  Steven my brother threw a lovely Bon Voyage party for us at his house with my Mum and Dad, Deidre, Craig's brothers and families all in attendance. It was really touching that all the nieces and nephews came too.

My beautiful Mum was very philosophical in her words to me very early on in our plans, she said "don't wait for us, you need to do this now" so I feel we have her blessing on our travels.  My parents emigrated to Australia from Scotland in the 70's, they too had packed up everything and travelled to another country, so I feel they understood in some way what we were doing.  That doesn't mean it was easy saying Bon Voyage - but we have face time to keep in touch. "Love you Mum and Dad XX"

Treceira, passage prep and our passage to England - Well nearly - we made it to Portugal

Adriana anchored off Praia da Vitória beach Yay we are off - after just a slight delay, 3 days after we checked out of the country we finall...