Our Journey

Lets buy a boat he said
Our journey from Phillip Island Australia to Toronto Canada and beyond

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Quebec City 

The next day way kept on heading down the St Lawrence past Trois Rivieres this was one of the main names we had as a landmark for our progress all these places and names are new and unfamiliar but every so often one will stick in your head.  
The Three Rivers
Our next stop was again a little tributary off the main river we had to get out off the current to drop the anchor, this little spot has a yacht club we headed up towards it but the water got really shallow closer the docks. We were happy to anchor anyway.  We ended up spending 2 nights anchored in this spot as we had to work out our approach to Quebec, tides and currents need to be taken into consideration on the approach and entering the Marinas Harbour.  On the second morning we thought we would take the dingy and go and visit the yacht club it rained heavily as we jumped in… we or I should say Craig rowed through the rain up to the dock we could see the gate was locked and we didn’t fancy walking in through the muddy bank, then we realised neither of us had picked up Craig’s wallet so we had no money to go in with anyway and yes as soon as we got back on the boat the rain stopped and the sun came out.

Our arrival in Quebec had to be at a high tide so we left at 5.30am to get the timing right, we flew down the river using the strong current and arrived at the entrance to Marina De Quebec around 11am.

There is a lock that controls the water level inside the marina that we had to go through before we entered the actual Marina.  There were 2 boys on the dock to catch the lines so an easy tie up.
Once we visited the office and got our marina keys sorted we were ready to explore the city by 1pm.  
Quebec is a beautiful city with the Citadel set high on the hill looking down over everyone there are still many cannons on the walls and streets, relics of its turbulent past.  

The original Catholic Church built in 1688

There are Churches and buildings still standing that were built in 1600’s So many wars, fighting the English and the Americans so the French could hold on to their piece of Canada.  
We walked through the quaint cobblestone streets looking for somewhere to have a French influenced lunch and we found the perfect restaurant Le Lapin Sauté sitting outside in the courtyard we had a chartreuse plate, a Roast Duck and a Rabbit Terrine, assorted breads, Local cheese and olives to name a few of the delicacies accompanied by a local crisp white wine.  
We were not sure if living on a boat mostly easting mince and sausages made the food taste so good but it was delicious, then we really splurged- I had a chocolate fondue and Craig had a local speciality of honey tart with coffee.  

Better  than mince and sausages

Then we were ready to explore - we passed Chateau Frontenac, the most photographed hotel in the world apparently,  along the esplanade and up to the Citadel and the Plains of Abraham, and back down through the old streets. There was a brief rain shower so we sought shelter in an old little pub and people watched for a while. 
Our choice for dinner was a tiny little bistro, Chez Temporal it was quaint and owned by the same family since the 70’s I liked it but Craig not so much, but on the plus side it was inexpensive.  
Typical narrow streets

Chez Temporal

We trudged home to Adriana very happy to be home and to put our feet up.  

Our second day we wanted to make the most of our time so we were up and out exploring early, we decided to find the fresh produce market it was originally located right next to the Marina but the Mayor of Quebec had commissioned a new building and it had only recently been relocated.  It was a 4.5km walk, mostly on pretty paths along the river and there were no hills so an easy walk  but we were lucky google maps was not in French.

The new market building was custom built and there were a good number of local producers selling their wares and most were very happy to give you  a sample we couldn’t buy much as we had to carry it back !!  it was a sunny day of around 25c so not too good for meat or cheese. we picked up a spicy salami, some great veggies including fresh local garlic and sweet corn.  The patisserie was the best, we had baguettes and croissants for lunch then a taste test of the local donuts – made with mashed potato.  
We could have bought so much food..  We had no idea how to get back to the Marina but we asked and found out it was a 10 minute walk to a main road where a bus could take us back to the old city, then a second bus would take us back to the Marina not bad for $3.50 each.  
The plan was to drop off the food and head back out  - but we didn’t make it our legs were too tired but that’s ok we had our favourite sweet corn with butter and chilli sauce done on the BBQ and bruschetta with the fresh pain, local garlic and amazing tomatoes.
The View to the City from Adriana 

Our night time view

Getting in and out of locks, marinas, fuel docks is always stressful, when you pay for a marina there is nearly always someone there to catch your lines so the pressure is off me but being such a big boat the wind can catch her and we need propulsion to keep control.  We also have bow thrusters on both sides which really helps.  We are getting better and less stressed each time we move as we get more used to her.    

We were up early purchased some fuel and out of the Marina by 10am only a short trip today as we have to use the tides and plan tomorrows arrival at Port De Refuge De Cap A Laigle  (this is another name that stuck in our heads) 
So we anchored 6.5nm from Quebec City at the side of the River between a bridge and huge power lines just after the Montmorency Falls,  
Montmorency Falls 

Its not the prettiest of spots its really open and we have swung around once already with the change of tide direction  and its really choppy we have been very spoilt, up until now the river has always calmed down and been very still in the evenings but its now tidal and running a fast current.  The weather has changed its cooler and we have had lots of rain it is only going to get colder from here on as we are heading further North.  

1 comment:

  1. Just been reading your blog out loud to the Dragon whilst she drives down the Hume. She actually suggested maybe you could fit a couple of them fold up bikes on board so you could cart a few more baguettes back to the boat.


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