Our Journey

Lets buy a boat he said
Our journey from Phillip Island Australia to Toronto Canada and beyond

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Craig has had the dream of living onboard a yacht and sailing off into the sunset for I’d say the last 20 years, I always knew of this dream but it wasn’t until the last year or so that I realised I had to make a decision - Will I  go or will I stay- and you know what, once I really thought about it I certainly did not want to stay at home and watch tv every night and do the usual 9-5. 
There is so much more to see in this world and a yacht would allow us to go places we would not normally consider or even have access to.

Looking back, all our previous holidays had contributed in some way to this decision, we had spent 4 months travelling together across Australia in our Winnebago YES, I knew we could live in a small space together. Sailing Thailand, Phuket to Langkawi, Malaysia YES I felt comfortable in a yacht and it’s fun.

We love to travel and spend time with locals , we had travelled by boat, plane, bus and train through Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, Bali and Vietnam staying in airb&bs and inexpensive hotels and had loved every interaction, stressful wrong bus ride, unknown destination and all the highs and lows of finding edible meals without paying a fortune.

I must admit I have not done much sailing. I have never been seasick (yet). I’ve been out on Craig’s various boats over the years and together we completed lots of overnighters but no long passages or big trips.
Even thought Westernport Bay was stunning I always found it too be just a tad chilly !! unless it was the middle of summer.

Craig was always quite happy to go on longer trips with his sailing cronies Geoff and Bob and I always felt it was good for the boys to spend time together, so made no real effort to accompany him on these trips.

Refuge Cove, Wilsons Prom

Craig had competed with Newhaven Yacht Squadron with his highest honour being winning the Golden Jubilee Race

Newhaven Marina 

I was never brave enough to go out racing with Craig - look at that face 
We had spent the last couple of years watching other people sail around the world on You Tube so if nothing else I had a good idea of the lingo and the good parts of what other people were experiencing.

So we packed up, moved out, said our goodbyes and caught a flight to Florida. 

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