Our Journey

Lets buy a boat he said
Our journey from Phillip Island Australia to Toronto Canada and beyond

Monday, May 27, 2019

We settled into our new home, Craig took over Heathers kitchen and cooked some amazing meals and we were treated like family.  Craig introduced Todd to dim sims Canadians have not embraced this delicacy like we do.
As soon as the season opened, we walked up the hill to the local fish shop and bought some Whitefish for fish and chips, whitefish is the equivalent to our flake.  A big hit was the steak and Guinness pie, for Craig and I the highlight was bowls of ice cream after dinner and house made fudge and popcorn.
The house was a constant 23c and was so cosy and comfortable.
Craig had a constant companion in the kitchen, Izzy was ever hopeful of a dropped piece of chicken but she was partial to raw veggies as well. Todd and Heather were also never far away when Craig was cooking.

On about the 2nd night we were invited along to watch Heather play her weekly girls only curling competition, the girls were so welcoming and allowed us to have a go … I didn't know  that they wear a slip on slider on one foot and a slip on grippy sole on the other, these slip ons go over their normal shoes, next time your watching the curling on Tv check out the way they scoot across the ice.  My impression is that lawn bowls is the summer version of curling, they play ends and have a skip and the stone turns as it slides just like bowling balls have a bias.

I must admit I could not work out if the sweeping actually made any difference, but it seems to be an integral part of the game.  Our arrival at  Heather and Todd’s coincided with the end of their playing season and we were invited to the clubs end of year dinner and awards night, the food was lovely.  We had oven baked chicken, mashed potatoes, Caesar salad plus a spinach salad w mandarins, mixed veggies bread rolls w butter and for dessert apple & strawberry pie or blueberry pie prepared and served by the wife of the marina manager. We knew a few people there so felt quite at home.
Check this out the curling club has a mixed social competition, now that marijuana is legal they are embracing the bong.

Another social event I was invited to was a fashion show put on by a local boutique as a fundraiser for a local charities group, they were fundraising to help set up a skate park to give local youth something to do. It was good fun and its interesting to see other communities even on the other side of the world, all struggle with the same issues.

It was coming to the end of the Winter sports season, we enjoyed watching The Toronto Maples, go through the preliminary final rounds on Tv, Craig went to watch Todd and his friend Bill play ice hockey a few times, the kids here have grown up ice skating and Craig could never quite get over their skills on the ice.

As we waited for the snow to disappear time seemed to go so slowly mostly because we were waiting but also because we were not working and it being too cold to do much more than potter around for an hour or so on board Adriana, the cold would seep right into your bones no matter how many layers of clothes we wore, it was like hanging around in a commercial cool room. 
It snowed on and off, some mornings we would wake up and there would be a fresh blanket of snow over everything, the sun would come out to a beautiful day with stunning blue skies,  or it would rain and it was cold and miserable, but eventually the snow started to melt.

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